Hello my lovely readers!
Well,it's been a while! First of all, I want to say that I'm actually really sorry for not checking up on you more often and of course, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year! Can you believe that it's 2019 already? Is it weird that I'm using English? I know that maybe you're not used to it, at least not on this blog but, since all of us already know English very well I think that it's fine that I'm using it. For some reason, I find myself using English much more often and it's not because I believe that I can use it perfectly, it's simply because I want to make it as perfect as I can and because I find it easier to express myself in some other language, don't really know why.. There will maybe be some mistakes in this post but I'm just learning and I know that all of you who are reading this post, will understand.
Nevermind, we are not here to talk about my English, we are here to talk about many different things. For example, why I left, what has changed, what did I do in this past year etc. Maybe some of you don't really care but if you don't want to chat with me you, don't have to read this post.
Well, first of all-Why did I leave?
I think that the answer to this question is actually quite simple. I got sick of blogging. I've spent my entire childhood blogging and as you all know I had many,many blogs that had different themes, but as my last (for now) blog I picked this-I said that I wanted to have a 'girly' blog and I want to write about fashion, makeup, DIY, morning routines, gift ideas and other things like that. It's actually true that I still enjoy most of those things but I just don't enjoy writing that much about them anymore. There are many of them that I would never like to write about again. They just don't inspire me anymore and I'm not interested anymore. I still like fashion, I still like makeup because I find those two to be a form of art, so that's one fact that is still keeping them interesting for me. I would like to write about those two in the future but, other things such as DIYs, cooking, to-do lists, routines etc. I just don't believe in them anymore. So, that is why I left. For the past year on this blog I felt pressured to write someting that you guys were interested in and because of that I just lost all of my inspiration and I left. But, I'm back and I believe that all of you will understand why I did what I did.
What has changed? Well, a lot. I have changed a lot as maybe some of you can tell but, it's not like I'm a completly different person, I just grew up a little bit and I'm interested in some other things. I'm still interested in learning languages, I'm still interested in music, fashion and makeup as I mentioned before, but also, I'm interested in real art, in books and some really (as my friends would call it) 'weird' poetry. I also found my hobbies and somehow I can always find a right way to spend my day. I'm actually rarely bored. If I don't have any obligations, I will literaly make them up. Sometimes I do get tired but compared to what I used to act and live before, I'm loving this 'new me'. I also found some great friends and I simply left behind every toxic person that was in my life. It's not like I don't say hi to them when I see them, or that I blocked them on every social media, I just don't care. I became aware of everything that's good and everything that's bad in my life and I am really proud to say that I accepted all of that. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm living a perfect life now and I'm flying out of joy, I just think that along with all of my problems, I'm still in a great place.
So, accepting all of that and myself way my main goal for 2018 and the fact that I actually did it makes me incredibly happy,
So, all I actually wanted to say is that I hope that you had an 'eye-opening' year as me or if you didn't I hope that this new year will be yours. I am back on this blog, I am happy and 2018 was an incredbile year, possibly, the best year of my life.
Thank you.
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