Hello my lovely readers!
CRO/BiH/SRB Version:
Zdravo moji dragi! Dugo vremena se nismo čuli! Prije nego li krenemo sa ovim našim postom, želim svima vama da poželim sretnu 2020. godinu! Nije li čudno kada razmišljamo o tome kako vrijeme brzo prolazi? No, ja se novoj godini radujem, s obzirom na to da me prošla malo razočarala. Čvrsto vjerujem da će ova nova godina biti bolja i meni, a nadam se i vama.
Ipak, nismo mi tu da pričamo samo o novoj godini. Kao što možete da zaključite po nazivu posta ovaj post će biti jedan review post, nekih sitnica koje sam u skorije vrijeme primila sa predivnog sajta zvanog Dresslily! Pa, počnimo!
ENG Version:
Hello my dear! I haven't heard from you in a while! Before we start with todays post, I want to wish you all a happy new 2020! Isn't it weird to think about how quickly the time is passing by? But, I'm actually looking forward to this year, taking in mind that the past one kind of didn't work out for me. I strongly believe that this new year is going to be better for me and better for all of you as well.
However, we are not here to talk about new year. As you can tell by the title of this post, it's going to be a review post for some things that I've recieved from the beautiful site called Dresslily! So, let's start!
CRO/BiH/SRB Version:
Prva stvar koju ću vam predstaviti je ovaj predivni džemperčić. No, na samom početku imam malkice tužne vijesti za vas kojima se on baš dopada jer nažalost, on više nije dostupan. Zbog toga, na kraju posta ću dodati nekoliko linkova, nekih alternativa koje možete pogledati koje su nešto poput ovog džempera, ukoliko vam se on sviđa. Moram da kažem da kada sam odabrala ovaj džemper da nisam znala šta da očekujem od njega jer mi je djelovalo malo čudno ali, nisam nimalo razočarana jer je predivan. Veličina je odlična, materijal je odličan i mogu da vam kažem da ga jako često nosim. Upravo zbog toga što je čudan nekim mojim prijateljima je naročito privukao pažnju, a nekima je ipak bio previše čudan. No, meni se dopada i ja bih ga preporučila svima.
ENG Version:
The first thing I'm going to show you is this beautiful little sweater. However, I have some sad news at the very beginning. Sadly, this sweater is no longer available and because of that, if you really liked it I'm going to add some links at the end of this post as alternatives for this sweater in case it really caught your eye. I have to admit that I didn't really know what to expect when I ordered this sweater because it's really weird. But, I have to tell you that I'm not sad about it at all. It's simply amazing! Size is great, material is great and I have to tell you that I'm wearing it quite often!
Because of it's weirdness, it has drawn some of my friends attention like nothing else before, but for some of them it's just too weird. However, I like it and I would highly recommend it to anyone!
CRO/BiH/SRB Version:
Sljedeća stvar je ova majica. Iskreno mnogo mi se dopada. Materijal je odličan, jako je mekana i kvalitetna. Boja je predivna i naročito mi se dopada jer ja imam jako malo komada takve boje no, postoji jedan problem. Nažalost malo mi je prevelika. Izgleda da sam greškom odabrala pogrešnu veličinu jer sam dobila XXL majicu umjesto M. Ipak, nije toliko ogromna da se ne može nositi ali ne pristaje mi baš onako kako bih ja htjela. Ipak, to je bila moja greška i to je nešto što se može oprostiti.
ENG Version:
Next thing is this shirt. To be quite honest, I like it. Material is great, it's very soft and high quality. The color is amazing and I like it especialy because I don't have many pieces in that color. Sadly, there is one problem about it. I have chosen the wrong size and I got it in XXL instead of M. However, it's not that big that it's unwearable. It just doesn't fit me the way I would like it to. However, that was my mistake and it can be forgiven.
CRO/BiH/SRB Version:
Za nešto malo više od 3 dolara možete dobiti ovaj predivan set od 12 prstenčića. Ja sam zaljubljena u male prstenčiće i mislim da sam vam već svima dosadila sa njima jer svaki put kada mi se pruži neka prilika za suradnju, ja uvijek poručim njih. Moglo bi se reći da ih imam skoro pa previše. No, meni nikad dosta! Ovi mi se naročito sviđaju. Raznovrsni su, nisu skupi i i ja se bolje osjećam kada ih nosim.
ENG Version:
For something a little bit more than 3 dollars you can get this beautiful set of 12 rings. I'm in love with these little rings and I think that all of you are already over with me and my rings because every time I get a chance to collaborate with someone, I would always order a set of rings. Some might say that I have too many of them but, for me it's never enough! I especially like these ones. There's a variety of them, they aren't expensive and I feel great while wearing them.
CRO/BiH/SRB Version:
Posljednja stvar je ova igračkica koju sam kupila za svoju macu. Mislim da od svih ovih stvari, iako su mi sve predivne da mi je ova najdraža. Mojoj maci se jako svidjela i ona prosto poludi kada se igra sa ovim. Nekako je to za nju prezanimljivo. Nažalost, neka perca su otpala ali to je sasvim jasno s obzirom na to da moja maca nije nimalo nježna. To je bilo nekako za očekivati. Ipak, sve ostalo se dobro drži i maca se sa tim igra već dugih mjesec dana. Moglo bi se reći da joj je to najdraža igračka.
ENG Version:
The last thing is this toy that I got for my cat. I think that out of all of these things I got, even though I like all of them, I like this one the best. My cat really liked it and she simply goes crazy while playing with it. It's really interesting for her somehow. Sadly, some feathers fell off but it's completely expected because she isn't gentle at all. It was quite expected. However, it's still useable and fun. She's been using it for over a month now and I could say that it's her favourite toy now.
To bi bilo to ! - That would be it!
Alternatives for things that are now out of stock:
Visit Dresslily at: https://www.dresslily.com/?lkid=67820105
Very nice. Thank you and Happy New Year 😘😘
ReplyDeleteBeautiful products!
I have heard pretty good things about Dressily. And wow they even have toys for your cat? How cool!
ReplyDeleteOh love this, thanks for posting!
Allie of
Kako mi je taj džemper presladak,također mnogo mi se dopada set prstenja, odlično! 😊
Love all of these and that toy is too cute
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day
Kinza Khushboo
Glamorous without the Guilt
Bloglovin | Glamorous without the Guilt
I love the rings set. I always wear a few of my favorite rings.
Amaaaaazing post! Love the rings especially.
I absolutely loveeee your cream sweater! It looks so cozy and just perfect for the winter time.
Hvala ti na recenziji. Divne stvari si izabrala :)
ReplyDeleteShoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram
Great things! This cream sweater looks really nice and comfy!
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day,
Aww, they have such cute and unique looking pieces <3
Those all look so cute!
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
PerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com
♥ | instagram.com/iamperlita
So cute!
ReplyDeletexx- Nina
so cute products, love this choices
What lovely pieces! i really like the cosy cream sweater! :)
ReplyDeleteHope you're having a nice week :)
Away From Blue
How cute are these items from Dresslily Love them all xoxo Cris